Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Winter Term Finals: Spanish

Whew! Finished my first day of finals for winter term! I have four tests today...ugh, but it feels good to be done! Tomorrow I only have one final (AP Lang), and it does not count for a grade so I am not stressing about it. Today was the day I had to worry about, and in general I did very well so far!

First, I had my multiple choice and listening portion of my Spanish 3 final. We took the oral and written final earlier in the week, which dramatically reduced the work load for the final. Compared to the fall term final exam, this terms was a cake walk. The fall term final exam was much more broad and covered a large range of topics, making it very difficult to study for. This term's final was mostly focused on one main subject, the subjunctive. Last night I had my sister quiz me over the entire vocabulary list for the entire unit in which the final was focused on. This proved to be very useful because there was not one word that I did not understand while taking that final. Finally, the hard evidence about the final being a success, I received an A- (59/65). I was extremely happy with this score for two main reasons.

1) My grade did not go down, which I really need to keep my A
2) In a comparison to my fall term final, I did much better. I received a B on my fall term final, after the curve, where as I received a A- on this terms final without a curve at all.

The only thing I can still hope for is that Sra. Perkins will bump me up to an A+, which I would be pretty surprised if she did, but it would still be very nice. I am not going to ask her about it though because I don't wish to anger her.

Word Count 323

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