Monday, February 27, 2012

More Procrastination

Everyone knows the dangers of procrastination in school. If your school worked is left unattended for long it can be a problem. It works by instead of doing the work you should be doing now, you do later.

This system actually works during the middle of the trimester because everything is procrastinated to later, basically just an altered schedule for your homework. Where you get into trouble is when you don't have a "later" time to procrastinate to. I am currently in this root, it is the end of the trimester and I no longer have a later time to procrastinate to. It is now crunch time to get all of my work done. At this present moment I have 14 more blogs to post by tomorrow... I know... crap.

Despite this overwhelming workload due tomorrow, believe it or not I have improved on my procrastination. First term it was even worse. First term not only did I procrastinate my blogs, I also procrastinated my reading and annotated bibliographies. So in retrospect, I have it good his term. ALL I have to do is write 14 blogs in on night... no big deal.

At least I am using my time wisely today. I have completed all other homework due tomorrow except the blogs, this way I can put my full focus on them. Even more, because I am done with all other homework, the only other way I can work is by working on my iPhone. I have written this entire blog so far on my iPhone and I'll be honest, it hasn't been fun, but at least I am using my time wisely now. And shhhh, don't tell Dr. W, I will be blogging all assembly today.

Procrastination is poor time management early and excellent time management in the end.

Word Count: 306

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