Monday, February 27, 2012

Evil Doctor Candle

Once upon a time there was an Evil Doctor Candle. He loved destroying property. But there was the Goofy Team on the side of good. They always stopped Evil Doctor Candle. They saved a box from turning into a flower. They were shaving when the red alert siren went off. Evil Doctor Candle robbed a store. The Goofy Team sprang into action. Bed used take down on Evil Doctor Candle. Evil Doctor Candle ran to his secret lab. He created zords. There are 5 zords and the zords can combine into a mega zord.

Evil Doctor Candle almost hurt half of the goofy team. Then they combined to get her so they made a mega thing so it was one on one. Evil Doctor Candle used kunka. The Goofy Team used bag, but Evil Doctor Candle escaped. Bed said, “We’ll put you on fire.”

Evil Doctor Candle responded, “I’m 1 million percent fire proof.”

The Goofy Team burst out with laughter and then they lit Evil Doctor Candle on fire.

Evil Doctor Candle started screaming, “I’m on fire! I’m on fire! I’m on fire!”

Yo-yo said, “We’ll leave you to your business.

Then they went to the order room. They ordered a candle and 100 pizzas. They put them into a machine that splats pizza at other things. They put the candle girl by the machine so Evil Doctor Candle would be attracted to her and then they’ll fire off a pizza.

The thing that was carrying the machine said to Back, “Can I join you?”

Back responded, “Ask Bed.”

Bed said, “Yes.” And they went off to find Evil Doctor Candle.

They found Evil Doctor Candle in front of a pizza shop. Evil Doctor Candle started coming towards the girl candle and they fired a pizza. They hit Evil Doctor Candle one time out of one hundred so they missed ninety nine pizzas.

Slink, who was aiming them said, “Why you lookin’ at me? I only missed ninety nine out of one hundred.”

91 people said “Can we join the Goofy team?”

Bed said yes to all of them. They now had one hundred people on their team! They all got stuck together by glue and did a mega body slam. A police car came and Evil Doctor Candle went to jail.

Three days later they were having a party for their accomplishments. When they got there, there was rock and roll music like this, “I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world. I’m so fantastic, I’m made out of plastic, and other songs’ After that they got their medals the president sang the Star Spangled Banner (p.s. everyone covered their ears).

“Oh say can you see, this land is your land of thee I see of amber waves of grain from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee” Everybody was glad that he was done.

Bed went up and sang “Bon voyage, heave ho!” and “bingle bongle by” and “no ordinary sandwich, a sandwich filled with jelly fish jelly!”

Th-Th-Th-That’s all folks

Word Count: 506

Holy Cow people. I'm sorry if you just read that. I didn't realize how bad that was, but hey, I wrote it in 2nd grade so I didn't expect it to be great.

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