Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Top 50 Movies of All Time

Here is a list of my favorite 30 movies I have ever seen. Note that the list only includes movies that I have seen.

I will write a little bit about my favorite movie though. I have watched the movie 300 countless times and love it each time even more. It is one of the only movies I can watch again and again and not get bored of. I like it for its action, some of the most exciting scenes of any movie. I also love the historical accuracy of the content. As you can tell by my second favorite movie, Troy, you can tell that I throughly enjoy my war movies. Both movies are similar in the type of movie, making them my all time two favorite movies I have ever seen.

I know that you all don't have to agree with this list -- in fact I don't expect any of you to agree with it. It is only comprised of movies I have seen which a small fraction of all the great movies out there.

1. 300
2. Troy
3. Pursuit of Happiness
4. Super Bad
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
6. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
7. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
8. Avatar
9. Finding Nemo
10. Crocodile Dundee 2 Las Angelas
11. Finding Nemo
12. The Incredibles
13. Hoosiers
14. Moneyball
15. Cars
16. Hangover Part II
17. Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster
18. Spider Man 2
19. Bourne Ultimatum
20.Bourne Supremacy
21. Sister Act
22. Twister
23. The Love Guru
24. Talledega Nights
25. Greese
26. Pirates of the Caribbean
27. Pirates of the Caribbean 2
28. The Pacifier
29. DodgeBall
30. Catch Me If You Can
31. Short Circuit
32. Home Alone
33. Holes
34. National Treasure
35. National Treasure 2
36. Shark Tale
37. Night at the Museum
38. Epic Movie
39. Anchor Man
40. Disturbia
41. Snow Dogs
42. Kids World
43. Sahara
44. Envy
45. Rudy
46. Coming to America
47. The Longest Yard.
48. Casino Royal 007
49. Octopussy
50. Top Gun

Word Count: 354

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