Sunday, April 15, 2012

Comparing middle schools

Recently I've had the opportunity to go around the Cedar Rapids Community School District middle schools area for Kennedy Science Roadshow. In doing so I have noticed many similarities and differences among the middle schools. The most astonishing similarity I've noticed is between Roosevelt middle school, Franklin middle school, and McKinley middle school. All three middle schools were built around the same time period, and so the architecture the buildings are remarkably similar. Personally, I went to Franklin middle school, and when I went to the other middle schools, McKinley and Roosevelt, I felt like I knew around the middle schools even though I had never been there before.

When we went to middle school, everyone formed their opinions about the other middle schools and it turns out now that I have visited all of them, not all these opinions are accurate. I had previous believe that the students of McKinley middle school rowdy and relatively bad students. When we went there, it is a complete opposite; students at McKinley middle school were by far the mildest students we had visited for Kennedy Science roadshow. These results were very surprising considering I had previously believed that the students of McKinley middle school were the worst in the district.

A close second, my Alma Mater, Franklin middle school. Like McKinley middle school, they were also very respectful and had a genuine interest in our science experiments. They were calm and collective, and very fun to work with. I will also add that was very exciting to go back and see former teachers of mine. The school was just how I remembered it, except the kids were miniature. That is one thing that I noticed a lot when going back to these middle schools, the kids seemed tiny. I have been short all my life, but these kids were small! Nevertheless, it was cool going back to visit my former middle school.
Word Count: 320

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