Sunday, April 15, 2012

Comparing Middle Schools Cont.

 I would say that Harding middle school was a close third. They were definitely not far behind Franklin middle school, but they did have a few students holding them back. Also because Harding had a very different layout than Franklin, Roosevelt, and McKinley, I had a difficult time finding my way around the school. I previously hated Harding, who knows, maybe I still do. My elementary school friends mainly went to Harding, with a select few of us going to Franklin. This caused a "elementary hatred" for Harding Middle School.

 Roosevelt middle school comes in fourth place. They had some students that were so exceedingly bad, it dropped them from what would probably have been second place to fourth place. In general the kids were respectful, but some were just terrible students. This was my first time actually going inside of Roosevelt, and as I stated in my previous post, it was astonishing how similar Roosevelt, McKinley, and Franklin are.

 In dead last, way behind all others, is Wilson middle school. They were the only middle school that held true to our opinions we formed in middle school. We had believed that the students attending Wilson Middle School were not exceptional students, and our opinions held true. Students there were simply rowdy and disrespectful. They could not stay focused, and were not interested in the experiments at all.

 Looking back, most opinions that we formed in middle school were completely inaccurate. And honestly, it is actually a good thing, it was just surprising, because we didn't exactly have high opinions of any of the schools really, other than Franklin Middle School, our previous opinions of the public middle schools in Cedar Rapids were not very good. This just proves you can't judge a book by its cover. We were previously basing our opinions on what we have heard about the schools, but now that I have actually visited them, I feel I can accurately form my personal opinions about the schools.

Note***You may not agree with all of my opinions!

Word Count: 340

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