Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to take the ACT Cont.

On this blog post I will continue to offer strategies to consider while taking the ACT test.

Make sure you get a good night’s rest the night before! This is extremely important because if you are tired then you are likely to not “be fully present” as Ms. A refers to it as. The ACT isn’t exactly exciting and so it could be possible to drift off, which would be catastrophic.

This strategy might seem a little excessive, but it makes sense. Use dull pencils. This is because a dull pencil has a greater surface area on the tip; therefore you can circle in the ovals quicker. This is really a minute detail but remember, every second counts! The few seconds you save could be the difference between you getting to answer the last question or not.

Skimming, not reading. If you truly read out the passages in your head, you will never finish the reading portion of the exam. Although you comprehension will likely be better, you will not have enough time to answer all of the questions. Remember, it is better to answer questions hastily than to guess, or not answer it at all.
Using a watch is instrumental in being able to accurately pace yourself. Make sure you don’t bring a watch that beeps; otherwise you will be asked to leave. When the test administrator starts the test, start your stopwatch, that way you know exactly how much time it has been later in the test.

I highly recommend that you leave your cell phone in your car, or at home. Do you really want to take the chance that your phone might go off in the middle of the test? No, you don’t want to take that risk. Should it go off, you will also be asked you leave, and your test will not be scored. That is not at all what you want.

Word Count: 318

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