Sunday, November 6, 2011

Procrastination Part 2

In my last post, I outlined what procrastination is. In this post I am going to explain the effects procrastination has upon your work.

 The part of procrastination that hurts your learning is the fact when you do something at the last minute, it is usually of much less quality than if it was down in small amount over the course of the given time period. For example, if I had done these blog posts earlier in the trimester, then they would have probably been about more worthy topics for blogging, other than procrastination.

When work is done at the last minute, things get sloppy; you don't have time to spend on each minute detail. You goal is to finish, nothing else. You start to not care about the quality of your work. This obviously was not the way the assignment was designed by the teacher. They envisioned the students would take their time, and carefully plan out each and every detail, but procrastination kills this.

As mentioned in Part. 1, procrastination is both very calming but also very stressful. At the time you choose to procrastinate, it is very calming, you don't have to worry about things and you can relax. But, we all know the fun ends eventually, and when the time to actually do the assignment, you dread every moment of it. You are tired, you stay up late, and you are in an all-around bad mood. That exactly describes me right now. I have procrastinated and now I am paying for it.

I did not always use to be this way; I used to do my homework first thing when I got home. In middle school I could sometimes even finish my work at school. But things have changed, for some reason that I don't know, I put assignments off. It is not that I do not care about school; I still care very much about it. Even with all the procrastination, I have never not done my homework in my life.

Word Count: 336

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