Wednesday, November 9, 2011

25 Facts About Me

1. I am easily entertained
2. I have two sisters, both older
3. I love electronics
4. I am horrible at writing (as you can tell)
5. I wish I could be thee Valedictorian
6. I am not easily impressed
7. I am easily annoyed
8. I love to play Xbox
9. I am spoiled
10. I won the Geography Bee in 7th Grade
11. I used to play soccer
12. I procrastinate too much
13. I hold grudges
14. I am in Protege
15. I went to Franklin Middle School
16. I don't really have a favorite subject
17. I like to ski
18. I want to go to space
19. I have been to Hawaii
20. I have been to Peru and Bolivia
21. I want to visit all 50 states
22. I want to tour the world
23. I am a super slow reader
24. I do not like school
25. I love summer

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