Monday, September 26, 2011

My Love and Fears for Gadgets Part 2

My most recent incident was with my Ipad, my newest and most prized gadget. I have been extremely, extremely, extremely cautious with it. I had not let anyone other than my tech savvy sister use it yet. I got a shell case and soft polyurethane smart cover to protect it. Yet the first time, the very first time I let someone other than myself or my sister use my Ipad, my friend drops it within two seconds of me handing it to him. Now I had told him before handing it to him to be careful and he assured me that he would be careful. But I should have expected it. He drops is straight down, landing on the screen. Now my initial reaction is probably not appropriate for school, but needless to say, I was not happy. I quickly snatched up my Ipad and luckily, there wasn't even a mark on the screen. This has caused me to go back to my previous rules of not letting anyone else use it.

I had never had a nice cell phone up until about a year ago. I had never really cared for my cell phone because I usually just had a cheap, standard, flip phone. But things changed, somehow, I convinced my mom to get me a Droid 2. I will admit, I wanted an Iphone, but we had Verizon and that wasn’t an option at the time. As with my Ipad, I vowed to be extremely careful while using my phone. It wasn’t until bragging to my friend that I had never dropped my phone before, I dropped my phone twice that night. I felt like an idiot. I didn’t severely damage or anything, just a scuff mark or two. Since then I have dropped my phone a few more times, and every time I pick it up afterwards, I have the fear that when I pick it up, the screen will be cracked. Then I would be forced to go back to my old, outdated flip phone.

My last fear I will talk about isn't about breaking something; it's about getting something stolen. My TomTom. I have always had a fear of someone snatching my TomTom out of my car. I have had some instances where I have come out to my car to find it unlocked, meaning anyone could have simply opened the door and taken anything they wanted. This wouldn't only lead to self-frustration. It would also make me feel like my privacy was invaded. I would feel as though my car is no longer a safe place to store my belongings.

And those are my fears and close calls with my gadgets.

Word Count: 447

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