As we all know, the credit card is a revolutionary way to pay and get paid. You can use the piece of plastic to pay for things when you do not have cash on hand. Despite these conveniences the credit card is a very dangerous tool and can result in disastrous situations financially.
Along with the common mistake of overspending, there is another thing credit card holders should watch out for. This is scams. Scams are everywhere. There are numerous types of scams and they all result in one thing, you losing money. Now some things are not legally considered "scams".
What prompted me to write about this topic is because recently I had a $9.99 charge on my debit card. Now I knew I hadn't used my debit card recently and I didn't have any monthly subscriptions. But this was where I was wrong. Apparently I had signed up for a monthly subscription to Xbox live for $9.99 a month. But I know I never did this, so this is where I was confused. Three months ago I had purchased a package deal for Xbox live that was on sale for $9.99 for 3 months. I was under the impression that this was all I was doing and this was going to be a one-time deal for the 3 months and that was it. Nope. Little did I know, they decided to throw in a monthly subscription in 3 months later at 3 times the price. Surely $9.99 isn't a whole lot of money, but still I was being way overcharged for the service. Another factor fueling my anger with the situation was that I had been deceived. Maybe if I had paid more attention or "read the fine print" during checkout I would've noticed that there was a monthly subscription upon the conclusion of the initial 3 months.
Word Count: 310
Word Count: 310
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