Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I have just witnessed my second ever episode of mobbed and I must say it is the most awkward television show I have ever seen. I cannot believe what is going on. The featured person of this episode is a guy that met a girl on the internet and has never actually met in person before. From what I can tell, he is asking to move in with her. (My television is cutting in and out). Awkward right? You can obviously tell that the girl is completely and totally uncomfortable with the situation, as I believe anyone would be.

I believe that this is wrong, I don't think she should be put on the spot in front of a large dancing crowd, and even then a televised audience. If I was in her position (with the corresponding adjustments), as embarrassing as it would be, I think I would say no. Although I do admire the guys courage, and that I would never be able to do something like this.

Think about it people. If you were in her position, and you were "mobbed" what would you think? A guy that you met on the internet, comes across the country asking to move in with you. I'm not discrediting online relationships, but there is definitely a degree of awkwardness that goes along with it.

Things throughout the episode that contributed to the overall awkwardness:

1) They had never met in person
2) The first time he asked her the question, she was silent and didn't say anything. This was huge hint that she didn't really want to
3) When her favorite band or something like that showed up to play, she didn't recognize them
4) When they first saw each other she kept saying "You're real" in a not excited, monotone voice.
5) She failed to recognize that they were now dating

I almost feel it is unfair to the girl to essentially be forced into saying yes. The episode just ended and she did indeed say yes. Howie Mendel is the host of the show and to be completely honest, he does absolutely nothing. He is solely there. I believe the show just wanted to be paired with a celebrity to boost its overall appearance.

Word Count: 375

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