Monday, May 28, 2012


Blogging about blogging is an interesting topic. Personally, blogging is not exactly fun, but for many it is a great way for people to get their thoughts said. In this post I will talk about blogging and things that I have noticed about blogging.

Blogging for our AP Lang class seems like one big procrastination session for everyone. If you look at our blogs about a week before they are due, you will probably notice that we haven't posted for at least a month. This is because blogging is something that takes time. You have to stop whatever you are doing and sit down to take the time to write a blog post. Because of this time commitment, and relative boring-ness of writing, is why I believe AP Lang students have put off this task for so long.

If you look at our blogs on the day before blogs are due, you will most likely see "Joe Schmo posted 10 minutes ago" This is because everyone in the class that have procrastinated their blogs are now scrambling to get them done. Ill admit I am a part of this scramble. I noticed this a few minutes ago when I logged onto blogger and saw that all the people that I was linked to on my blogs had post within hours ago.

Something about blogging that I have found very frustrating is the highlighting tool. If you scroll through my blog you will see that I am a victim of this highlighting holocaust. For some reason, some of my blog posts have become highlighted in white. The problem is because once something is highlighted, you cannot un-highlight it. There is  no option to un-highlight your text, something that has frustrated me for the entire year.

If anyone knows how to fix this problem, PLEASE comment on this post and let me know how to un-highlight my posts!

Word Count: 316

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